Villa Marconi Long-Term Care Centre is an “A” Long-Term Care Centre as designated by the Ministry of Long-Term Care and has its CARF Accreditation. It is located in the heart of the City of Ottawa at 1026 Baseline Road at the corner of Baseline and Farlane, across from the scenic Experimental Farm.
Villa Marconi Long-Term Care Centre is a non-profit, charitable organization that was created by the community to help serve its growing needs. Under the direction of a volunteer Board of Directors, and numerous volunteers, donors and community support, Villa Marconi was built in two phases. While its primary focus remains as an excellent Long-Term Care Centre, the evolving needs of the community have encouraged a secondary focus as a Community Centre. Today, we are proud to recognize Villa Marconi as one of the best Long-Term Care facilities in the province and a vibrant Centre, both helping to better our community.
Villa Marconi is the beloved home of 128 residents. Under the direction of Responsive Health Management Inc. reporting to the Board of Directors, the Long-Term Care Centre employs over 160 individuals to oversee and operate the home in a warm and caring environment while always striving for the utmost quality of care and quality of life for our residents.
Villa Marconi fulfills an additional community need by providing a Centre for programs, services and activities focused on maintaining or improving the quality of life for our seniors and for the members of our community. The Marconi Centre houses a large hall, a library, and a number of rooms that provide the facilities for these programs. In addition, the Marconi Centre has a top-notch Banquet and Conference Facility with proceeds helping to fund the benevolent work of Villa Marconi Long-Term Care Centre.