
Multi-cultural, modern, long-term care

How your donation helps Villa Marconi

Donations Enriches Lives of our Seniors

Villa Marconi is so fortunate to have hundreds of loyal community donors.  On a daily basis, we receive messages of gratitude, letters of thanks, and recognition in person and through social media.  Thank you to those that have contributed.  There is no shortage of Long Term Care programs and special projects that support the Villa Marconi residents.  Every dollar enhances the lives of our residents and supports family members, staff, and volunteers that collaborate as a team.

Essential Equipment for Residents and Staff

Villa Marconi is always in need of additional and modernized equipment, both to support residents and enhance staff working environment.  Examples of essential health care equipment that have been purchased with through donations include electric resident beds, resident mattresses, resident slings, bathing tubs, dining room tables, building control systems, health care technology, and bedside technology upgrades.

For additional information on how to donate to the Essential Equipment for Residents and staff contact:

Mario Carrozza

Email Mario mario.carrozza@villamarconi.com
613.727.6201 ext 5250

Extraordinary Villa Marconi Staff

Villa Marconi is open 365 days per year, 7 days a week, 24 hours per day.  Staff is committed and dedicated to serve our residents and their family members.  Employee recognition and employee engagement are two key pillars of a great organization.  Villa Marconi often receives donations directly to recognize and celebrate staff.   You can make a difference in the life of a staff member by donating to Villa Marconi.  Examples of how donations recognize staff include individual staff lunches, all staff lunch recognition, staff take home prepared meals for their family, staff gift baskets, and formal recognition events.  For additional information on recognizing Villa Marconi Staff contact:

Joe Ranieri
613.727.6201 ext. 5252

Villa Marconi Garden Refurbishment

The Villa Marconi garden is a place where residents and family members often gather.  There are outdoor lunches, BBQ, and planned activities throughout the summer.  The garden enhances quality family time and while building fond memories.  Each year, Villa Marconi makes the best use of the garden and steps up to maintain and refurbish the garden.  Your donation makes a difference in the garden cleanup, refurbishment, and amelioration.   The residents and family members spend many precious mornings, afternoons, and evenings in the garden with family.  For additional information on how to donate to the Villa Marconi Garden Refurbishment contact:

Joe Ranieri
613.727.6201 ext. 5252

Villa Marconi Capital Improvements

With age, buildings need maintenance; over time, both large and small improvement projects accumulate – Villa Marconi stretches every resource possible to maintain a safe and healthy environment.   Capital improvement projects help to preserve our home, and help to create a safe, comfortable, and welcoming home for all our residents and their family.   On an annual basis, a prioritized capital plan is updated and used to guide the most appropriate capital investments.  Examples of capital improvement initiatives completed, ongoing, or in future include replacing power generator systems, elevator replacement/upgrades, LED light efficiency project, roof upgrades, commercial kitchen appliances, compliance with fire/health codes, and building control systems.  For further information on how to donate to Villa Marconi Capital Improvements contact:

Joe Ranieri
613.727.6201 ext 5252